Diploma Exam information
Hello to our Grade 12 Parents:
As Diploma Exam time is fast approaching we are sending you some information from Alberta Education for students writing diploma exams.
Quick Facts for Students and Parents/Guardians What are diploma exams?
Diploma exams are administered to students in select Grade 12 courses and have three main purposes:
• to certify the level of individual student achievement in selected Grade 12 courses;
• to ensure that province-wide standards of achievement are maintained;
• to report individual and group results.
When are diploma exams administered? Diploma exams are administered annually in January, April, June, August, and November according to the schedule posted in the General Information Bulletin at https://www.alberta.ca/
Are there any practice questions available to students to help them prepare for their diploma exams? Yes. Students can try out the released questions from previous diploma exams that are located at https://questaplus.alberta.ca. In addition, there are released items documents, practice items and exemplars available for each diploma-examination course on the https://www.alberta.ca/
How will results from diploma exams be shared with students? Student results are available on myPass at https://public.education.
For assistance with myPass, contact the Workforce Development Help Desk at 780-427-5318 (Dial 310-0000 to be connected toll-free from outside the Edmonton area.)
Want to know more? More information and resources for diploma exams are available on the Alberta Education website at https://www.alberta.ca/